Organizing a perfect holiday in Venice is not hard if you have the right information, if you know where to stay and how to go around. We perfectly know that Venice is as beautiful as complicated, with all its labirythinc streets, but you don’t have to worry. Take a piece of paper and a pen and let’s start taking some notes.
How to choose the perfect area to stay
Venice is divided in six districts, called “sestieri”, depending on which you choose you will be closer or farther to the main attractions of the city. The six districts are: Cannaregio, San Marco, Dorsoduro, Santa Croce and Castello.
Cannaregio, where our hotel is situated, is very close to the train Station and to the heart of the city. This area is well-known for its typical “bacari” (typical Venetians bar) and for the Jewish Ghetto.
How not to get lost in Venice
We are always happy to help you understand the intricate net of street in Venice, but you can also make your life easier using Google Maps. There are a lot of direction signs almost everywhere, but it could happen that you take a wrong street once, just because you got attracted to a nice corner. Google maps can really help you find the right way back.
By the way, Venetians get lost in their city too. It simply happens, it’s Venice.
Sneakers are better than hills
Venice has no cars but a lot of bridges, wearing hill, unfortunately, is not the better choice you can make. Unless you only want to visit Venice on a boat or a kayak (link) – but it would be a pity – you should take a pair of comfortable shoes with you.
What is the best period to come
Organizing a perfect holiday in Venice means also considering the season when to come. As in winter as in summer, Venice is beautiful and surprising, but there are moments when living the city is harder than others.
From November to January, you could find the high tide. It’s a fascinating event, no doubt on it and we hope you could see it at least once in your life, but visiting the city could not be that easy.
If experiencing the high tide in Venice is one of the things you want to do, here’s all you need to know about.
Where to eat and what to visit in Venice
If you want to know what to eat in Venice, you can ask us and we will be happy to give you some pieces of advices.
Same if you need some suggestions about where to taste our cuisine and the main attractions in Venice.
In the maintime, you can have a look at this article we wrote.