Taking a gondola ride in Venice is one of those things you absolutely must do on a trip to the most beautiful city in the world. It might sound like a cliché, but coming to Venice and not experiencing a gondola tour along the Grand Canal or on the waters of St Mark’s Basin would not be the same.
Even if you are only coming to Venice for the weekend, our suggestion is not to miss out on such a special experience in the only place in the world where you can experience it.
The gondola is in itself a fascinating vessel, rich in history and secrets, with sinuous and elegant forms. Admiring Venice, its palaces, bridges and foundations from the gondola is an experience worthwhile and a completely different and original way to get to know and visit the city.
If you have never experienced the thrill of riding in a gondola and plying the waters of the Venetian canals, here are a few tips to keep in mind.
Choose a tour that includes the inner canals
Gondolas originated as a means of transport for the inhabitants of Venice and because of their size, they can easily navigate the city’s inner canals. Our advice is to choose a tour that includes a ride through the narrow inner canals, which often reveal hidden corners that you would otherwise never have the chance to discover.
The sunset tour is the most spectacular
Venice with the colours of the sunset is something that not even the most beautiful painting could portray. Admiring it while sitting on board a gondola, lulled by the waves of the lagoon, is truly an unparalleled experience, especially if you are with your better half by your side.
Stop by and see a squero: the place where gondolas are made
Venezia d’estate potrebbe essere davvero molto calda, specialmente in agosto, il nostro consiglio, dunque è quello di approfittare delle ore fresche del mattino per godersi un piacevole giro in gondola alla scoperta di Venezia, senza rischiare di stare troppo tempo sotto il sole (ogni tour infatti ha una durata di minimo 30 minuti).
If you come to Venice in summer, best the morning tour
The squeri are the places where gondolas come to life, thanks to the capable hands of skilled craftsmen, called squerarioli. There are still several squeri in Venice, some more famous than others, which you can visit to see with your own eyes the different stages of making a gondola. The most famous is the one in San Trovaso, near the Zattere, but the oldest is just a few steps away from our hotel, in Calle de le Pignate and bears the name Squero Casal dei Servi (can be visited on request by filling in the form on the Arzanà Association website)
How much does a gondola ride in Venice cost?
In the end, we wanted to answer one of the questions we are most frequently asked: the cost of a gondola tour.
The price of a standard gondola tour ranges from €80 to €100 during the day and starts at €100 for the evening hours. The price may vary depending on the tour you choose to take.